New stories from Cassie

This story is created, narrated completely by Cassandra.

The wolf and 2 little hen

Once upon a time, there was a big bad wolf. One day, the wolf was very hungry and he saw two little hen in the forest. One of the little hen is very clever and another little hen can run very fast. One little hen run very fast and hide inside a bush. The big bad wolf cannot find her.

"" pretty normal story here rite ? wait for the twist down here (mom's comment) ""

The other hen is very smart, she wear her sun-glasses, jump inside a care and then she took out the phone and called the police. She speak to the police : "help police, there's a big bad wolf here, we need help, come to the rescue". And so, the police send over a helicopter and rescue the two little hen from the big-bad-wolf.

(the end)

It ended with burst of laughter from all of us (including Cassie). Tis lil' chick never failed to amaze me ! :)