Merry Christmas & Happy New Year !

It's the holiday season and the whole KL is celebrating. Here's to Merry Christmas (belated) & Happy New Year 2010 !

Getting ready for Christmas.

Christmas celebration is just around the corner. We've managed to get a 7 ft christmas tree this year. While mom is here with us, she and cassie worked together to assemble the tree. yay ! Looking forward for the celebration this year.

New stories from Cassie

This story is created, narrated completely by Cassandra.

The wolf and 2 little hen

Once upon a time, there was a big bad wolf. One day, the wolf was very hungry and he saw two little hen in the forest. One of the little hen is very clever and another little hen can run very fast. One little hen run very fast and hide inside a bush. The big bad wolf cannot find her.

"" pretty normal story here rite ? wait for the twist down here (mom's comment) ""

The other hen is very smart, she wear her sun-glasses, jump inside a care and then she took out the phone and called the police. She speak to the police : "help police, there's a big bad wolf here, we need help, come to the rescue". And so, the police send over a helicopter and rescue the two little hen from the big-bad-wolf.

(the end)

It ended with burst of laughter from all of us (including Cassie). Tis lil' chick never failed to amaze me ! :)

When awaiting in the KL

It's common to be spending more time in the car while in KL than Penang. It's usually because the places we wanted to go are usually packed. Here are some picts taken while waiting in the car and/or waiting in the traffic queue.

It's one of those time i get to spend real quality time together. She will tell me her event of the day, stories and what she saw on the bill board. Sometimes we just sing along with the radio or make up new songs, sometimes we just play the story game and best of all, we just loved to be with each other inside the car .... a bit of quiet ...... away from the insanity of the hustle out there.

HAPPY Birthday !

it's birthday celebration time. This time Cassie asked for a princess jelly cake. it was wonderfully made with multi-layers of Jelly. It's a wonderful change from the traditional cake type princess cake that usually filled with butter-cream.

Of-course, no birthday is complete without present. Her dad bought her a complete barbie playhouse which can be carried in a bag. She loved it so much that she has been spending a lot of time with it.

Happy Birthday lil' chick !

Grandpa's birthday.

It was a fun-filling-adventure Hari Raya holiday for all of us. All of us including my mom,dad and brother met in KL and we had a blast. we went to the zoo negara, the twin-tower, had lunch at cheras, crabs near my place, famous Raju's roti-canai, amazing peel road's rong-tofu, visiting many uncles and aunties, many many shoppings ..... & you get the pic !

the whole week was so packed that i don't think i can completely describe them all. We even get the chance to celebrate grand-pa's birthday !! Well, i think those smiles on their face says it all :)


Nothing beats the spur of a moment dance on Sunday morning.

Story Telling Session From Book Club.

Sept 6th 2009.

Both Hubby and i loved to read and so thus Cassie. Her favorite place in the shopping mall is not the toy shop but the book store. As we are exploring new places here,
one of the new things that Cassie fortunate to try out in the city is the different kids club around the place.

The Storey Telling session she joined on Sunday was organized by the book club in conjuction with the British Council. On that day itself, i told cassie about the event and she was hyper excited about it. She waited patiently infront of the book club and she's the 2nd one zoomed into the room. Just like any other lit' gal, she is an attention grabber!

The storytelling session was excellent. Cassie learned some new words, expand her social circle a little bit (we managed to make new friend), get to do a bit of craft, learned new games and further more win prizes. I too, get to pick up some tips and tricks about story telling to children. She was so attentive and participating until you can see her sleepy eyes by the end of the session. She went home and slept for 2.5 hours that afternoon. wow :) must be a lot of brain juice at work.

New plan and a whole new start

We've been shuffling PG and KL for the last 3 months and we've decided to find a place in KL since we've been spending more time in KL than PG. There's abundance of places to stay in PJ area, but finding the rite one in terms of location, proximity to work place, school and amenities are not easy.

Anyway, we've settled down here :) we've moved part of our furniture here and all our favourite things :) Of course, the happiest person is Cassie and she's adjusting quite well i must say.

Well, with the new place, means a new life with new schedule, new things to explore, new school to engage in and new routes to learn. All and all, we're pretty excited about the whole experience. It will be a fun and fullfilling adventure for all of us ! :)


I was doing some housekeeping and saw the star-trek DVD collections a couple of nites ago. It has been a while since i run through those DVD and decided to watch them with Cassie :)

Yesterday Cassie asked me about the movie and she said she wants to drive the car because the car is her space-ship. Then i asked her why, she then told me there's this captain in the movie and she is really great. (yes, that's her own word) After that, she just jumped up and down and said : "LIKE ME! ".

For those of you whom are not star-trek voyager's fans, the captain in this series is a woman (Janeway). Her team was thrown into the delta-quadrant in the space and she's determine to find a way home for her whole crew. Her leadership and decision making based on integrity has been the plus of the whole series because that's how voyager is totally different from the rest of the star-trek series. I was inspired by the character's will power, her confidence, can-do attitude and her ultimate negotiation power.

Now, i'm inspired by Cassie's self-confidence. i'm sure when i'm her age, i have total confidence about myself too. In fact for Cassie's case here, she think the janeway character is LIKE her ! :)

So, what makes us lost our confidence ? why is it now that the first answer we gave when someone ask us is 'No' especially when it comes to change ? is it because we have fear and lack of confidence to do it ? Something to think about yeah ?

Well, here's something more to share about self-confidence.

“Don’t get typecast in your own life,” he says. “You cannot assume that somebody can define you. You cannot assume that the other person is right. No matter how they say it to you, no matter with how much force they say, ‘Oh my god, you’ll never make it; oh my god, you’re not bright; you could never do this’—that’s one person. I can’t tell you how many people told me I would never be an actor.” --Henry Winkler.

Super Model

Introducing Cassie the Super Model. She had been picking up things unexpectedly of late. I think this must be from the 'the next america top model' tv show !!
A little nice dress, my high heels and she just transformed. she looked really into it yeah ?!
i think i can get Cassie to pose and model for me more next time ! :)

Green sock and lesson about life.

This morning, as we were about to leave the house and going for breakfast, Cassie walked out the door with only ONE green sock on her right leg. Proudly she asked me : "mom, am i pretty ?". Of course my answer is always supportive and always a big 'YES, you are ! "

Happily, she walked everywhere with her green sock, ignoring others' strange look at her. She doesn't care how other look/judge/comment on her, just want to do her things and do it her way. Isn't this how we should all live our lives ? gutsy and boldly going out with what we want to do instead of cir cum to others judgments ?

Well, that's how i want to live my life and that's how i want her to live hers. Thus, today is the one green sock on right leg day ! and today, i have no intention to change her sock or explain to onlookers ! Go green sock !

Father's day lunch

Happy Father's day !!

Cave experiences

It was a in-promptu decision. We decided to meet a friend very last minute on Friday to catch up and it turned into cave adventure for Cassie. Of-course, when you're in Ipoh, it's hard to missed the mountains and caves. Since Cassie haven't been there before, we hope into the oppurtunity to visit.
Ipoh is AMAZINGLy HOT, the temperature reader in the car says 39C !! wow, no wonder, we sure super sweating, always thirsty and Cassie even requested to take a bath at our friend's house !

Cassie the waitress.

we've been eating out lately and Cassie has took part in the food ordering when we're in the restaurant. We usually will let Cassie decide what she want to have for her meal.

Lately, she decided to be our waitress at home. She will bring me a card and ask me what do i want, then she will go to her table, jolt it down in her paper, and then tell me that i've gotto wait a while for my food because she's going to bake it in the oven. (her toy closet) hahaha.

i usually will say i want some juice, and chicken. Then last weekend, she asked me : "hey mom, how about some fun ?" Yes dear, isn't it great if we can order 'fun' from the menu ? :)

New start for Cassie

Since her flu+fever+food poisoning and etc sickness episodes last month, we've decided to stop sending Cassie to her kindergarten. Well, at least temporary (i thought).

She has many flu episodes ever since she started school. Due to her sensitive nose condition, she gets flu more easily than others and the flu tends to stay with her longer than others too. Because of that, in certain months, she came back with flu, it went on for 2 weeks, then she goes back to school again and the next day, she came back with flu again. Another thing is of-course she lose a lot of weight and i think she is skinny even when i checked the development chart, she is in the 'normal' range.

Anyways, ever since she stop school, things has gone better for her. She sleep better and she doesn't have the flu condition at all (ZERO incident) ! That is of-course the ultimate result we want to achieve.

A lot of ppl has asked if i'm afraid she might lose out in her academic development, some even proposed she goes to 'special' school. Well, i'm too worry about that at all. in terms of continue kindergarten, i think we'll wait and see. most probably, i think we're going to wait till next academic year before we begin the school routine again. Right now, the main focus is trying to boast up her antibodies' strength.

Now that she doesn't have school routin, it's a totally new home-school routine for her. :)

i am belle

it started a couple of months back when she finished washing her hair, she will then have the tower on top of her hair.
when i asked her what she was doing, she will then broke into dance and tell me she's belle (from beauty and the beast).

It's hot out here.

The weather is getting hotter everyday. I caught Cassie 'chill-out' in front of the fan this morning.
she looked really in the chilled-out mood :)

Instant Photo

Whenever she saw me with my camera, Cassie will take a paper camera and pretend to take photos. Yesterday, i decided to ask her what she took and where are the phots.
She then went and cut out a square from a piece of paper and start drawing.
Then she told me : " here you go mom, this is you ! " and then she added : "Happy Mother's Day" !
aw .. so sweet of her.

A girl and a spider

I gave Cassie a book full of blank pages and a pencil to keep her occupied. She carried this booklet wherever she goes. Cassie will scribe whenever and wherever, including to the restaurant, waiting in line at a checkout counter, in grandparent's place and etc.

I run through her book the other day and found some interesting drawings. This is one of the drawing that has a 'story' in it. It's about a girl and a spider. See how the spider is on top of the girls head and the girl is actually in a sitting position ?! :)

The drawing has a familiar thingie to it and i think it's from one of the rhymes she recites :).

Buckle up and here we go !

What would u do if you gotto stay at home because of the rain and cannot ride the car to play outside ? imagine and pretend of-course :) here Cassie gott her doll to sit beside her while she drove around in her imagination car.

Her trip started with getting the baby to "buckle-up", then asking her doll "are you ready ?", and finally "here we go !".

During her imagination trip, she honked her imagination car and told her doll that "oh, that's dangerous", "stop", "watch-out", "be carefull! "

When she finally arrived at the destination (shopping mall), she then stop the car by slamming on the imagination brake and lock the car with the "bee-peep" car key's alarm tone.
haha, it's funny to watch imagination at work.

come out n play.

Our neighbours' kids rang our door bell yesterday evening and ask Cassie to come out and play. As soon as Cassie saw them, she jumped up and down in excitement.
Funny thing is this, Cassie was very excited to want to play outside of the house, while her friends were all excited to want to play inside the house ! she kept asking them to go out, but her friends just settled to do some chalk drawing and hop-scotch on our front-yard. haha
After she invited them a couple of times and her friends still wanted to stay inside our house, she decided to just jump on her bike and cycle away. Well, my dear neighbour watch over her while she bike outside and i stayed at home watching over my neighbours' kids !

Finally, near sunset time, they all had soccer time outside the house. It was simple fun and very wonderful nonetheless.

Reactions to the incident

Cassie was pretty concern over my bag and handphone. I did explain what happen to my bag and handphone and how the thief took the things. When i told her thief, she look at my with a lot of question marks because she doesn't understand the word thief.
Then i told her it's just like bad guys from the TV, she then said : "O !" and with a concern on her face. Then she asked me : "mom, who's going to help the bag ? " hahaha, she thinks the bag needed rescue.

Later the day, she told everyone about the incident and keep saying that the thief is really bad. Then she turn and ask me about the bag and phone again, i told her they are gone and i don't have any rite now. She then comfort me and said, 'Mom, it's OK. we'll go buy new one for you. What color do you want ?'

oh, sweet sweet Cassie. She knows how to soothe the pain away :)

R & R time.

It has been a year of many stress and challenges ever since the start of year 2009. Putting work aside, we had a blast fun family time in KL last weekend.


i want to do it myself

I was so busy this week and didn't even have time to let Cassie out biking.

She then came out with the idea to wash her bike when i was out watering the plant.

Of course she got herself all wet, but it was still a satisfactory tasks for her. She then jump straight into her bath tub rite after that.

Mom, take photo please....

That's Cassie's request when i got home from work yesterday. So, here goes :)

Here comes the 'WHY'.

Started early March, more and more 'why' questions came from Cassandra. She asked me almost everything with the 'why' question nowadays.

There are common questions like why we stop here, why go to school, why buy this one and of-course, why cannot watch tv.

In addition, there are some funny question like why butterfly doesn't sleep, why the flower is yellow, why the fish is swimming and alike.

Then, there is this. While we were having lunch in a restaurant, Cassie accidentically dropped her fork and she immediately look at me with guilt on her face. Decided not to get angry with her because i know she didn't intended to drop the fork, i told her it's OK and just ask the waitress to change one for her.

She looked at me and ask "Mom, are you angry ?"
i said "No, i'm not angry. "
She then asked "why ar ? why you are not angry mom ?"

haha ... i must have got angry at too many occasions until she expect me to turn into angry monster majority of the time. Well well, not anymore Cassie, you mom is trying her best to change her 'stressfull' ways :) hope that you won't see me getting angry easily or fuss over small things nowadays.

Fun with cousin JiaYing

Another cousin came to visit during the weekend. Cassie and JiaYing has been like glueed together the whole time. And the most interesting thing is to find out they both love to sing and dance 'Mama Mia' :) . Even from different part of the world, seems like the Mama Mia is catching up with the youngest generations.

lil' chick's request

We were out for a dinner yesterday. Half way through the dinner, Cassie asked me to feed her. She wanted me to cool down her food by blowing into her bowl. Just caught the flu, i told her i cannot do that because i'm sick.

Then, she turned to her dad and she asked : "dad, are you sick ?"
her dad answer : 'nope'

Cassie then said : "dad, can you cool down my food and blow into my bowl ?"
of course, her dad obliged...

hahaha ..

What is this ?

Cassie woke up and started drawing this morning. I left her doing it on her own while i fuss over my morning routine (brushing teeth & etc).

When i check with her after that, i saw this. what do you think is this ?
Well, according to Cassie, it's a crocodile playing ball :)
i'm not sure about you, but i am very glad to see things in a different view from her perspective.

i m mom.

Cassie is now a little girl, she's now a little girl, she's now ... i've been reminding myself over that again and again lately.

She has shown more movement capabilities like skipping, jumping backward, karate-moves, dance & etc, and also more mental capabilities, like imaginative play, deduction, discipline, self-awareness and stuff.
Just last nite, she sat down on her bed near her bed time and started her writing routine. She will scribble and then some story telling. This time she's writing about the powerpuff girls and the city of townsville :) She usually recite and write the story at the same time.
Then, she told me : 'i m mommy yeah ?!' (more like announcement than questions) and straight after she said that, she narrow her eyebrows.
I saw that whenever she said i m mommy in her imaginative play-time, her face turned very serious and she will lock her eyebrows.
I then realise this must be how i looked to her !
They said kid is a mirrow to ourselves and i can definitely see her actions, behaviour, speech as a direct reflection of me. I just cannot missed the seriousness, stress and locked eyebrows.
I should really get this stress thingie of mine controlled and reduced. Stress is a creepy clawler that jumps up at you when you don't expect it. This is a pretty good jump, a wake up jump i think. The thing is when ppl asked if i'm stress, my first reaction is to say 'no'. But now, i've learn to face the problems and acknowledge that there are just things that i cannot control nor change. It's still small steps, but hopefully i learned to control my stress level better in the long run.
If you are my mirror dear Cass, i would like to see a prettier me from an already marvelous you.

Eating out ; mizi bistro

Heard so much about the mizo bistro and passed by the place so many times already but didn't get to try out. Finally, we managed to stop by for it's set lunch last weekend.

Set lunch deal is RM21.50 for 1 drink, 1 soup, 1 main course and free flow ice-cream. One tip : other than the mushroom soup, don't try any other soup. because we tried the french onion, the oxtail and the chicken soup, all are pretty bland. I guess that's why i heard a lot of recommendation for mushroom soup :)
Of course Cassie loved the ice-cream but she loved to scoop and serve the ice-cream more than actually eating them. :)

Harvest In Cafe in Irrawady Road

We were at town visiting a friend and he recommend us lunch in Harvest-In cafe at the irrawady road. I didn't bring my camera along and the photos are taken through my cell phone.

Food are reasonably priced and thus kind of expect the smaller portion. Liked the decoration, i think it's kind of chic. we ordered the chicken mushroom soup, the chicken tikka masala and spagetti with minced chicken (for my weak stomach).


OK, i'm not a big fan on superstitions but when it comes to Cassie, it seems like there are some superstition pattern occuring to her. There are many different superstitions but for Cassie, it's usually about her weight or height in general. She's now 3 years and 3 months old and this is already her third time admitted to hospital. It's almost a yearly event now ... :(

We went out and have lunch with our friends on Monday, then i commented said that no matter how much Cassie eat during meal time, she cannot seems to gain weight anywhere on her body but her tummy only.

On Wed 4am, Cassie woke up and started vomit :( . Note that i said started because then she continue to vomit almost every 2.5 hrs later. 4am, 6.30 am, 9 am and go one ... It was just aweful, i sent her to the clinic as soon as it's open (about 9.30 am) and the doctor presribed some medication to control her condition. I asked the doctor said how will she consume the medication orally especially since she's vomiting, the doctor assured me not to worry and said the medication is to control that and she should be better soon.

OK, i gave her the medication and she was so tired that she went to sleep soon after. After about 1 hour, she woke up and vomit again. This time, it's about 8 hrs since she consumed any fluid and we decided to send her to the hospital. In the hospital, doctor diagnosed her having stomach flu due to virous and gave her some injection. Also the doctor asked me to feed her 'salty' food especially crackers.

Cracker because the food is salty and it will hold on fluid so that she won't get dehydration. when she vomit, her stomach is empty and there will be a lot of 'wind'. She still need to drink water and eating crackers will help to retain the water. But no glucose or any sugary food, this is mainly because the sugar will caused her to 'gag' more. So, first tips for any vomit condition, crackers and water.

Well, i tried what was suggested after the injection but her condition didn't improve. So, we have to admitted her to the hospital. I must say she's really brave in all this, didn't really shed tears when injection, she just 'awwwoe' a bit ... She got better during the nite but need to be monitored for another day before she can be discharged. The hospital pediactric ward comes with a playground and when she got better on the 2nd day, she started to made friends. Even when she got the OK to go home from the doctor, she told me she still not feeling well and wanted to stay. haha, things the kids do !!

She's feeling much better now, still on the no sugar no lactose produced diet, but is now home resting. Thank you all for the help, well wishes and phone calls !!

Fun at water theme park

It was a hot and sunny sunday and right after breakfast, we made the spontaneous decision to soak up the sun at the Bukit Merah water theme park.

It's RM22 per adult and Rm18 for kids above 90cm and kids below 90 cm in height can enter free !! i was secretly hoping they won't measure Cassie so that she can get in free of charge, but there's a measuring tape glue in front of the ticketing office and there goes my RM18 ... Anyhow, i didn't measure Cassie's height that find it amusing to have to confirm her height this way :)

There are multiple playing areas and it's actually quite well kept. There are kids pool (they named it the rainforest area), a seaside area, a adventure area (for teenagers) and of-course all sorts of water slides. I didn't manage to try the slides this time, because Cassie was glued to my side at all time :) G did try the slides and he said the slides were quite OK.
We spent a good 3 hours there and Cassie enjoyed the water playground the most. She was afraid of the water jets and fountain at first, but once she was into the game, she just cannot stop.
I had to sweet talk/warn/blackmail to get her out of the water later that day.
when evening arrived, all of us have rosy cheek and really rosy shoulder too because of the sun !! I just hope the sun-burnt won't get too painful tomorrow. Bring plenty of sunscreen when u soak up the sun my friends :)