The month of Sept is full of birthday for us. My dad's, my brother and mine b'day all falls in Sept. Most of the time, we just have 1 big celebration. This year we actually wanna plan for some sun and sand in the Rasa Sayang. Unfortunately the weather was pretty bad for the last few weeks. We actually drove 1/2 way to Batu-Feringghi only to find out there's a 'landslide' near that area. So, we took the u-turn and jump into the E&O instead. (See Cassie dancing to the beat in this video)
Because of all the delay, we quickly ran down the car into the restaurant and totally forgot about my camera ! When thd jazz band came along, only then i remembered i left the camera in the car *darn*
It was a fun evening after all. Dad had fun singing with the band, cassie had fun dancing to the beat. Even with the pouring rain outside, the whole place is full of warmth and excitement :) We'll definitely do it again. Happy birthday Grandpa !
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