Funny moments with grandma

Cassie spent some of her school holidays with Grandma and here are some of their funny moments.

Funny moment #1
This conversation taken place in a hot sunny day.

Grandma : "Cassie, you should not dirty your bed sheet, if not you don't have a bed sheet to sleep on tonite."
Cassie : "But grandma, you can change a new one for me rite ?"
Grandma : " I cannot change a new one because if it rain then the bed sheet cannot dry."
Cassie: "But grandma, it's not rainy today. "

Funny moment #1
Cassie : "Grandma look, i got 20 cent"
Grandma : "Oh, that's good. what are you going to buy ?"
Cassie : "I'm going to buy ice-cream. We share ice-cream ok ?"
Grandma : "OK, but i want a whole ice-cream for myself, can you buy that for me ?"
Cassie : "No, i cannot not. I don't have enough money. "