Cassandra 26 months old

Here's a photo of Cass at 26 months old, holding & admiring the cupcake i made for her. She usually just nimble to top and return the whole thing to me. Now she asked for cupcake every morning now !

Cass Craft (3) : Circle circle

Cass loved Circles. She does a lot of drawing in circle and will draw anything using circle. A flower, a snake, a whale are all represented by circles. HAHA.

I finally get Cass to combine multiple circles into a whole picture of a caterpillar.

Cass's Craft - Origami Dog

Starting year 2008, i've planned out a craft sessions for Cass to keep her occupied. This is from the origami book that i've found from the MPH bookstore. She liked the origami dog very much and has insisted that she draw the eye, the ears and even the dogs hair at the back of the paper.

Cass first craft

Cass is getting crafty of late and this is the project she completed this morning. She completed the flower project first and then proudly showed it to her dad. Then, she insisted on complete another project (the fish) and again showed it to her dad. I asked if she wanna complete the 3rd one, she must have had enough of it and say no.

One Dollar (一块钱).

Yesterday morning before we went out for breakfast, Cass picked up a 10 cents coin from the floor and told me to put it into her pant's pocket. I asked her what she intend to do with the coin she has, she just smile and ran away playing her things.

After that we went to McD for breakfast and as we were q-ing and discussing what to have for breakfast, Cass suddenly told us she wanna pay for breakfast and repeatedly says : "一块钱, 一块钱, 蔚有一块钱 !!" (one dollar, weih got 1 dollar) and she keep reaching for her pocket.

haha, it was so funny. I told her to keep the 1 dollar and daddy's gonna pay for the breakfast that day and she will go home and keep the money in the piggy bank. She can pay for her breakfast some other time. Oh, i hope you do that too Cass :)

Cass Helping Out (放下来, 关起来)

Cass helping out folding her hanky last nite :) I have to say, she's a fast learner. i showed her once and she can already do it the 2nd time successfully without my help. She is also repeating the instruction when folding, 放下来, 关起来. so cute ...

Playful Cassie

We were waiting in the car yesterday morning to go to the babysitter's place. Our neighbour's son was preparing to go to school and wiating outside the house. I make a comment to Cass and said that : 'koko is going to school'. Cass turned to me and said : 'koko 乖 lor, 去上学. " I'm both amazed and glad that she associate school with 乖.

Then i tried my luck and ask Cass if she wanted to go to school. To add to me surprise, she shooked her head and said : "no-la, go khai-khai' (play).

hahaha ! There you have it Cass, nothing is more important than go out and play !! :)

Bubbly by Cass.

i've loved the song Bubbly lately by Collin Caillat and has been listening to it for the last couple of weeks. i was sharing with Cass this song on Monday and she started to love the song as well. She requested the song before she sleeps everynite now :) Song is contagious ! You can find a lot of other variation for the song in You-Tube. Here i present to you the variation performed by Cass :)

小心,小心 ! 跌倒 !

We started our spring cleaning plan this week. Ar, you see, it has to be a plan, because we do not have a lot of time before chinese new year (4 weeks), i have only 4 weekends to prepare everthing and that include all the cleaning, baking, shopping, running to and forth parents and in-laws place.

Yesterday i took out the ladder and clean the ceiling fan. While i was climbing up the ladder, Cass shouted at me from the ground, "小心,小心 ! 跌倒 !" and she hold out her hand getting ready to catch me if i felt. Haha, it was a funny moment to see her to that, it confirm my suspicious that she had developed her emphaty towards others (one milestone in social development) by caring towards others. It's too bad i didn't have the camera with me (1/2 way up the ladder ...), but it's always happy to see that my gal shows some affections and appreciation toward her old folks once in a while :)